Accelerated Reader® is a programme used in many schools in the UK to support children’s reading. It allows children to choose books at their own reading level and then to take an online quiz on each book they read.
We have been using Accelerated Reader® at Barnack for a number of years
and are very pleased with the results.
This year so far, we have fifteen children who have read over a million words! As a school, we have read 45, 036, 961 words - absolutely incredible!
"I enjoy Accelerated Reader because it is fun and it’s a challenge, and it makes reading a joy." Year 6
"Reading is the best! If you are not good at reading, start now! I love reading." Year 4
Barnack is proud to announce the launch of our brand new math's program for children in Years 1 to 6, Freckle. Freckle is the math's equivalent of the accelerated reading scheme. Like the accelerate reading scheme, in response to an initial quiz, math's questions are targeted at each child's level of learning.
The questions adapt to the children's responses, if answered correctly, the questions gradually increase in difficulty and if a child is struggling with a specific area of math's, the question will get easier again. Each child is able to keep track of their mathematical achievements on the site as a each strand has its own progress wheel which will turn green when completed. As each task is completed children earn coins to exchange in the app's shop for exciting new outfits and accessories for their avatars. If you need any additional information please contact your child's class teacher.