Year 3 have had made a lovely start to the summer term! Our Science topic of “light” has been very topical now we are welcoming some sunnier days.
We have been carrying out various experiments into how light reflects, how shadows are formed and considering the dangerous effects of the sun.
In our English we have really enjoyed the story of the Iron Man, working hard to produce some impressive writing of the story. The children have incorporated some small changes which have really reflected their individual creativity. We look forward to sharing these with you at our next open classroom!
We have been completing lots of work in Geography on directions and compass points which the children have been able to skilfully apply in their recent Maths work on angles and computer coding on scratch.
We all enjoyed the lovely celebration lunch we had in school to mark coronation of King Charles. All the children enjoyed making flags, bunting and crowns which definitely made it a day to remember!
We are still working hard towards our accelerated reader target of 5, 750,0000 words. So let’s keep up with the quizzes over half term!
After half term we are looking forward to lots of new, exciting learning! We are hoping to get outdoors as part of our Science topic on plants and pollination. We will be discussing the current threat to bees and what we could do to support their continued survival. We are excited to have an expert who will come and tell us everything about bee keeping!
Our English learning focus next half term will be poetry and we are hoping to inspire some fantastic poetry by our trip to John Clare cottage. Have a lovely, restful half term and look forward to seeing you back and refreshed for the final part of the year together. Mrs McLay