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Year 3

Writer's picture: Lucy KentLucy Kent
What a delightful start to the summer term we have had so far! We started our first week back with our music day, listening to and appraising "Ode to the Iron Man". This got the children immersed and excited for our new class text, the classic by Ted Hughes. We learnt all about the pulse, pitch and rhythm of the song, before performing it vocally and with instruments.

We then began our RE days, learning about Pentecost, the significance of the Holy Spirit and the creation of the Kingdom of God. There were some big concepts to digest and understand. During discussions the children displayed their increased maturity with a great deal of deep thinking, empathy and respect towards each others' views.

To round off our week we enjoyed an Art day which was focussed on shading techniques , coupled with drawing 3D images using shapes. The children thoroughly engaged with the tasks and produced some super representations of the Iron Man in their sketch books.

Our new accelerated reader target for this term is 5, 750,000 which I have no doubt we will not only achieve this but exceed! We are looking forward to a lovely Summer term with some exciting learning ahead! Keep up the good work year 3!

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