Year 3 returned to school refreshed and ready to go after a week off! Their positive attitudes to assessments showed resilience and determination in bucket loads. The results were an excellent reflection of their progress so far and gave an accurate picture of just how hard they work. They should be very proud of themselves.
In addition to this we completed our RE day on Hinduism which provoked some thought-provoking discussion which the children approached in a very mature and sensitive way.
Following on from this, we had a class debate this week, linked to our world book week book, “The Dam”. The children had to decide if they were, “FOR” or “AGAINST” building dams. This demonstrated a developing maturity and a real deep level of thinking which really impressed me. We will continue to build on this as we move into the Summer term.
In our Science work this week, we carried out an experiment testing the strength of magnets and we have been doing lots of drama to assist us with PSHE, thinking about bullying.
We are looking forward to our golf sessions commencing this week and hoping for a few budding Tiger Woods! The children are very excited to share all of their learning with you at our open classroom which is Monday 6th March. Look forward to seeing you there.