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Writer's pictureMr Hollingsworth

Year 1 off to a super start!

What a fantastic start back after half-term! We have really delved into our learning, introducing a new book in English, exploring time, and continuing to identify what makes us who we are through the curriculum.

In English, we have introduced ‘The Jolly Postman’ which is an amazing book, exploring the journey a postman takes whilst delivering letters to a few familiar faces. The children have absolutely loved this book and we have even gone as far as making up our own actions to go along with the story. Already, we have predicted what might happen in the story, we have retold the story through actions and we have sequenced the story. Today, the children made their own road map, showing who the postman visited along the way - these turned out great! In maths, we have concluded our topic of fact families and have moved onto exploring time.

This week, we made our very own clock faces which we have used throughout the week to help us identify the different times of the day. I have been blown away at how quickly the children have picked this up! Throughout the curriculum we have continued to explore what makes us who we are. In science we have begun to identify various animals and have sorted them into different categories.

In Geography, we have looked at maps and how we can identify significant buildings and landmarks. In music, we have continued to listen and appraise music. This week, we have also begun to explore improvisation and how we can make our own tunes. In Art, we made some fantastic firework artwork using salt and water paints!

And in PSHE, we created some beautiful posters for Remembrance Day, in which the children also added their own special message too. I am very excited to continue this Journey with Year 1 and to see all of the progress we have made by the end of term!

Miss Brown

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