As we near the end of term, it has been so lovely to reflect on what a great term it has been in year 1! Over the past couple weeks, we have really immersed ourselves into our learning, continuing to look at the book, ‘The Monster Storm’! This has given us a stepping stone into the wonderful world of books and has given us the opportunity to become authors!
Taking inspiration from ‘The Monster Storm’, the children have begun planning and structuring their very own stories which this week, they will be finalising. A lot of time and effort has gone into these stories and the level of detail that each and every child has put into their work has been outstanding! This topic has sparked some fantastic conversations on how to structure a story, what to include, and what could be used to open the story with. It has been great to see this reflected throughout the children’s writing too!
This has been a really lovely topic to teach and the children have thoroughly enjoyed using their imagination and creativity. So much so, that a few children have begun writing stories to be displayed in our reading corner!