Dear Parents / Carers
There was a lot of joy in my house last night! Boris was very committed to his promise that schools will be open to all children from March 8th. From a very personal point of view my own two boys are in real need of getting back to school, seeing friends and getting back into a structure. For me I am so delighted to open schools and spring forward. We will have three weeks before the Easter holidays to find the rhythm of friendships, learning and the formalities of being in school.
These three weeks will be very focused on reestablishing routines around mental agility, physical agility and social agility.
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate you all, this latest lock down has probably been the most challenging - but through adversity you have all done your very best. Attendance to online lessons has been exemplary, and the children's attitude to learning has been outstanding.
I had the great privilege of observing lessons and I was impressed. From children in Reception conducting wonderful scientific experiments around kitchen tables to year 6 lessons where they had to act together whilst all on different screens just wonderful! I have seen amazing parents really supporting and joining in with lessons! You are all to be commended!
Early next week we will be letting you know all the details you will require for coming back to school.
We must continue to be vigilant, so please stay safe and follow the rules, you have all done an incredible job so far.
Mrs Firth