Our half-term has been extremely hands on; the children have had a number of practical opportunities within our curriculum lessons.
In science, we have been exploring the circulatory system, developing the children's knowledge of how our vital organs function and the imperative roles that they play. We have also explored how our heart rate can be impacted by the activity/circumstance that we find ourselves in. As part of the topic, we were lucky enough (some of the children would beg to differ) to source a sheep’s heart which we were able to dissect and examine the composition of the heart and how it compares to a human’s.
Whilst computing we have immersed ourselves within a coding site (Makecode arcade), a site that has allowed us to code our own single-player game with differing variables, scenes and game structures. We used our knowledge from our previous topics of ordering code so that it works effectively. Alongside this, in maths our focus has been around new curriculum content: ratio & proportion and algebra. Whilst in English we have continued to develop our reading skills across varying genres and have recently focussed on poetry.
Last week, the children showed great determination, composure and self-motivation during our mock SATS week; Mrs Jones and I were so proud of their attitude and attainment during the week! Well done each and everyone of you!