What a fantastic few weeks we have had in Year 1!
We began the term thinking about adversity and what this truly means. In many ways, the children have faced adversity throughout their learning but have really shown resilience and have thought of lots of different strategies to overcome this.
In Maths, we have continued to look at addition and subtraction. Whilst we have introduced lots of different methods, the children have persevered and really got stuck into their learning. Next week, we will continue to explore addition and subtraction, thinking about fact families, comparing number sentences and really focusing on our reasoning and problem solving skills. In English, we began the term with the book, ‘Beegu’ which we loved as a class.
The story really grasped the concept of adversity and the children enjoyed creating playdough friends for Beegu. This week we began reading, ‘The Monster Storm’. In Science, we have explored lots of different materials and have taken the time to describe these in detail.
It has been great hearing the children questioning one another and taking a real interest in what they are learning about. In History, we have introduced the explorer, Jeanne Baret, who was the first female to sail around the world. As always when we are learning about History, the children were full of questions and excitement! It has been a joy to see how interested they have been in this topic!