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Christian Distinctiveness

At Barnack Church of England Primary School, we work hard to develop and sustain our school’s Christian distinctiveness. We aim to serve our community by providing a high-quality education within a Christian setting. We pride ourselves on our excellent relationship with St John the Baptist church.


Our governing body also includes many foundation (church governors) who understand our school vision and ethos.


Our School is founded upon six Christian values of:












Time is spent exploring what is distinctively Christian about these particular values and they help guide us each and every day. Many other values are taught through our school rules of:














We live by our biblical statement:

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.”


Our Christian beliefs and faith will give our children the strength which will help them throughout life and enable them to ‘soar on wings like eagles’. They will use grace and wisdom to make a difference to the world and flourish as lifelong learners.


Our school prayer was written by siblings: Isabelle and Finnian Clarkson.










Respect, Responsibility & Readiness to learn.

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